Friday, June 03, 2011

Chemistry | The x factor of performance

About two weeks ago, football euforia stroke Jakarta again - bars and restaurant performed big screen TV shows and always full . This time it was not Irfan bachdim as hot topic, but the Messiah and friends. Yeah, it was BARCELONA played against MU in the Champion final. It seemed like they taught MU how to play pass and go, excellence team work and we all notice how they beat them beautifully.

What we see is not only individual performance of the Messiah, but more to team performance. Barcelona is not collecting mega star and compile it to Galactic like Real Madrid. But they develop and maximize their player talent, build the chemistry and Voila! each of them becoming a superstar. They deliver better than those with expensive stars but without chemistry in playing.

When Messi played in Argentina in World Cup, the star did not shine at all. Why? opinion is his team mate were competing with him, they did not regard Messi as a superstar and trying to prove that they can also do what Messi do. It was not their fault, but it just creating bad chemistry within. While they could instead support each other, and still everyone would perform well and showed their class.

The victory of team play..
Most of the top performing companies have excellent human resource in it. Each deliver their excellences, sinergize, and the company received the operational excellent as a return. But does not mean that when you collect multiple talent into a team, they will straightly deliver excellent. Some of them ended in unnecessary politics that more to distract the team performance rather than enchancing. Especially when personal egos, and competitiveness take more role rather than the common goal.

So before decide upon adding new star to the team, the first question shall be is the star will be able to play as team or more to individual performances. A star will always try to perform best, they have experience and have the past of glory on their life. A company should put the star in a position that they can perform, to put them in the bench will only detonating a time bomb. more to chemistry, not just individual quality
I just like the term used by one of most admirable business man in Indonesia regarding recruiting a new talent or treating the talent within. He said the most important thing are the gimmick of 3 C (compare to 4E and 1P by Jack Welch) :

- Character, how it suit with company values
- Competences, how it suit with the job they do
- Chemistry, how they suit with others

Most of stars have the first two, but not necessarily the third. Of course, if the person is Christiano Ronaldo then who will cares about chemistry as long as he scores a lot.

But then again, how much will Christiano Ronaldo cost?

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