Sunday, May 10, 2009

Room in upper stairs

We cannot see the what lies in the upper floor until we take a step up again on the stair with our feet. Bricks by bricks, a single step brings as a new open air uncover what remain in future shadow. It does not matter what would it be, you cannot fear something you don't know. The most thing should we fear is, remain in the darkness in steady without knowing what lies beyond your circle.


  1. êeeeeee Eu gosto de lilás \o/
    Violet! \o

  2. to iklan baris :
    look it up for me will you, If you are really curious
    I still love my life...

  3. anyone ever saw the movie "seven year itch" ??

  4. I'm totally lost, what are you trying to say?
    Too much coffee?

  5. Salam
    You said "you cannot fear something you don't know"
    yea..its absolutely right :)
