Sunday, March 08, 2009

Love Redefined | Cintalah untuk bertahan

They said love is blinding
They said love is unleashing
They said love is freeing

It is love that make us stand
It is love that make us can

But they do say sometime love is a sweet torment
But they do say sometime love is a life prison

I love, in my own way, do the best to give with all my life full
I love, in others way, stay commited and stay faithful
In the end of the day, please tell me that is worth enough

They say love is forgiving
They say love is caregiving
They say love is unblaming

It is love that make us bond
It is love that provide us fond

To love is to say "you are always be in my heart", not always say "where are you now?"
To love is to say "I am sorry it is my fault", not furiously say "why you always do that?"

I love thee, I love thou. Universe witnessed that I am into you
I want it to be no longer torn in two
So that I'll bravely say :" I'd take my own life before loosing you"
Those are love, in my complicated mind, within my unpredictable way

Like say the old man :
"Cintalah yang membuat diri betah, untuk sesekali bertahan"
(Umbu Landu Paranggi, Melodia)


  1. wow ???

    keren^^, tp pasti ga boleh kopas ke flashdisk (hikz.. hikz..)

  2. Blog itu memang untuk berbagi, gak boleh egois.
    Karena semua yang menulis itu hanya mendefinisikan ulang apa yang pernah dibaca, dialami atau dipahami. Kopas aja.

    Kalo buku ya gak boleh, harus beli

  3. wew...bicara cinta emang gak ada matinye yaa...hihihi....

  4. i think im falling in love again :)

  5. Wah ga nyangka..melow banget...
    Good posting...
    Sekarang dah bisa komen nih... :)
    Makasi ya mas..kalo commentku di shoutbox dah dipindahin :)
    BTW, inputan..iya..kalo mo buka blog punya mas..kadang suka berat nih kalo dari kantor..napa ya?

  6. love will never die

  7. A romantic version of you was shown.. among your interests in physics, 2012 and renewable energy...Dihadiahkan ke istri gak niy???

  8. To Eca, Karila, Audi :
    Love, is definitely energy. Not only earth need sustainable development. But love, among all others is the Grand Unified Theory that bind all energy in the universe, of course should be sustainable.

    It is for my love, your love, and every one's who thanksful of the greatest gift God have been giving to human nature :
    Love :-)

  9. Matur nuwun atas sarannya.....dan jangan bosan kasih saran, he, he. Semoga Mas Imam sukses selalu....

  10. mas, andai orang yang mas suka udah punya cowok, apakah masih akan tetep suka sama cewek itu?

  11. To Utomo :
    Hwahaha, mas Utomo. Asal tau aja orang yang sekarang saya suka udah punya cowok, bahkan udah punya suami.

    Tapi saya tetep cinta, saya kejar terus tiap hari, saya teror, saya bikin kesel, saya sms, saya telpon terus...

    Soalnya dia udah jadi istri saya :-p

    Soal udah punya cowok mah, gak masalah. Selama belum ada ikatan nikah. Cuma caranya gak sama dengan memperlakukan yang masih single. Yang penting dia tau kamu suka, tetep up date dan maintain contact dan menunggu.

    Kalo didekati terus malah lari, karena sudah punya komitmen meski belum nikah. Jadi harus lebih sabar, dan siap patah hati :-p

    Blog ini kok jadi konsultasi cinta ya? Hwahaha. Gapapa mas, sapa tau yang lain ada saran lain. Good luck ya

  12. uhum uhum love...

    i love you too dear ahahahaha

    *kabur sebelum di clurit bininya mas imam*

  13. so sweat bro,
    hahahah sweet child o mine
    salam kenal
