Karena penasaran, ketika tahu bahwa Dee punya blog yang secara luar biasa designnya sama persis dengan blog ini, akhirnya the moment of truth pun terjadi ketika aku berhadapan dengan blog The Legend Supernova, Dewi Lestari. Kemarin pagi, menjelang siang tepatnya, setelah dengan malu-malu nanya alamatnya ke Elya, aku berkunjung untuk pertama kalinya. Ternyata benar, we pick the same design, exactly the same design. Just confirmation to all of you, I pick it first, I'm not a follower. Sekali lagi not a follower. Mereka yang pernah visit di kedua blog ini pasti beranggapan I am one of those "Dee Wanna Be'.
Dan tulisan terbarunya - 10 most hillarious gossip - tentang perceraiannya dengan Marcell benar-benar hillariously FUN (for readers, not for them). Dewa Tapir dan akrobat dua tangannya patut diacungi jempol. Ngakak yang sama terjadi, setara dengan kegilaan Andrea Hirata waktu baca aku Laskar Pelangi. Tapi bukan itu yang jadi fokus kali ini.
Adalah keterkejutan kedua, saat membuka dee-unessential. OMG, she use the same design again with deadleaf, my second blog !! Yeah, coincidence happen. Ada 1 per 100 kemungkinan bahwa orang lain juga menggunakan design yang sama. But for two blog? Wheww. Am I have the same mind with her, are we think in the same frequency? Atau mungkin aku terlalu membesar-besarkan hanya karena dia Dee dan aku cuma Dee Wanna Be ;-p Hihihi
It just create another thought, is that any probability that my writing, someday, match Her? We use the same design, we talk in the same language, we agreed on so much thought in both our blog without any prior connection (still not agree in the expiry of love & marriage, and that veggies thing, I love ducks and lambs, I just can't handle it). Why can't I create one writing with the quality like her Masterpieces? Hahaha, you wish
Membaca seluruh tulisannya, racun-racun baru masuk ke dalam otak ini. A lot of meme is duplicating without filter (semoga bukan tentang perceraian atau menjadi vegetarian ;-p). Global warming, synchronizing, love redefined. Whew, her mind is never stop exploring.
Indeed, I have finished my first novel last two years, printed, reviewed appreciately by Rie but never sent to publisher. Tergeletak begitu saja di laci. Mungkin sebaiknya dikirimkan saja, send it anyway to the universe and wait for the response. Who knows, may be someday, I finally could match or exceed her (but not in the vegetarian things) Hahaha.
“There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it”
– Edith Wharton –
(Taken from her post)
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