Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Leaving the Dark Side - Should I ?

It's always fun to imagine that sometime our dark side take control of our life. So that we can fully enjoy things, going crazy, have fun go mad without thinking of consequences. When everything's over or something bad goes wrong, we could just blame the dark side that lead us to do such, not us, we are only posessed, not in control of our self. We think we are innocent...

Dalam sebuah buku "Leaving your dark side" disarankan berbagai macam hal yang harus dilakukan untuk membunuh "dark side" yang ada dalam diri ini. Sebuah pembenaran bahwa past experience dapat melahirkan sebuah trauma yang menciptakan karakter tersembunyi dalam jiwa. Karakter yang sewaktu-waktu dapat mengambil alih perilaku tanpa disadari, dan seringkali diakhiri dengan tangis menyesali hal-hal yang telah terjadi.

Menyingkirkan "dark side", becoming a true professional. Menarik, tapi entah kenapa aku tidak yakin untuk melakukan itu. I will loose that guilty fun, then I should throw my oxygen (nicotine, FYI) away, sleep normal hour, never come late, stable and mature. Hahaha, so much professional. That's what my company need. A really painful maturity

It just not me. Hanya akan ada bagian yang membosankan, dark side kept me alive for years. Untuk menjalani hari yang kosong, melupakan segala hal yang menyakitkan, menemani saat berpetualang, kesendirian di hutan yang paling sunyi sekalipun, dan menulis dalam blog (who d'you think will write such a whining blog? sinister and dark blog). Dark side have been my best friend for years, since I was a child. A solitude child.

When it come another bifurcation, a change in a system by certain attractor leading to chaos, a fight between soul and dark side will decide the next equilibrium. Is it better or worse than yesterday, is it make you stronger or weak, determined by who take the most control. Who you really are..

Sometime it's fun to have a friend in crime, even actually you don't need him
. But then again, to be a professional - to be a mature person, should I kill him ??

There is no peace, there's only passion
From passion I gain strength
From strength I gain power
From power I gain victory
Through victory, my chain are broken
Through victory, the force shall me free

- virtue to the darkside, Sith -

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