I finally met all the gurus, mentors, peers & few of my apprentices for the last 5 years of my life - in a Family Day gathering. Spending two days in Anyer - with them, with all the old laughes, the same old jokes, same bull shit talking, with all the new stories updates about work and beyond. It's a work friendship, but I see it become morelike a Family. Seems like nothing has changed since I left them 6 month ago. Except that, now I am not belong to them anymore...
In the final minutes before leaving Anyer, when farewell shake hands & hugges went on, I realized that these might be the true Final Farewell to me. That I might never seen them again - in gathering - for the rest of my life...
Tidak terasa sudah 6 bulan sejak meninggalkan rumah yang telah membesarkanku selama 5 tahun terakhir. Rasa void itu masih belum terasa karena sebelumnya masih ada acara yang akan dilakukan bersama, undangan di Anyer itu. Dan ketika akhirnya semua hal telah selesai - exit interview yang tertunda, surat keterangan yang telah diambil, sisa hak-hak telah ditunaikan, dan akhirnya undangan family day selesai - terasa ada rongga kosong yang ditinggalkan.
Untuk pekerjaannya, aku sudah ikhlas, I chose to move anyway, tapi untuk suasana kekeluargaannya, aku masih belum bisa sepenuhnya menerima. Good friends is a rare thing, a familylike friendships are a really scarce thing.
And that was a great loss.
There was a guy, known to fought bravely for one vision,
surrounded by a great friends he loved & whom he shared the vision.
And then he left for another dream, to dare His life for a greater vision
did he betrayed, was he a renegade ?
Goodbye all, I'll never thank you enough for being the great mentor & friends
I ever have in my life.
Goodbye Astra Honda Motor...
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