Somehow you will probably redefine the meaning of the words "love" when you are married. Rie said once marriage is an effective character assassination machine, may be she is right a bit. The need of compromise, and the resist from each to do so are some of its cutting tool. They will shape you in a someway until none of your sharp edge could hurt your mate. And vice versa
And then what it will become? Not you, but a married version of you.
The thing will be worst of you are not in a mature state, that you are not in a stable state and not self knowing yet. The drilling and trimming process by marriage machine will be much painful and uncomforting.
When you are married, the meaning of love will be deployed much more complex. You may name it patience, worried, loose up, discipline, sensitive, and what elses you will find in that damn fake ass hole personality book. And Voila, I am finally melted into another normal person. Huff...
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